
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Advice to You

Right now, you are in the blissful part of the relationship. He is texting all day, complimenting you, perhaps already saying that he loves you. Maybe he's already met your young daughter, and has told you that he will help you with her needs. Likely, he hasn't gotten blackout drunk yet in front of you, and he definitely hasn't told you about his criminal record, or that he was unfaithful to me, and his first wife, numerous times. In fact, I was (unknowingly) the other woman in his first marriage; he told me that they were separated but years later I learned that they were not separated until after he met me. (Just FYI, he and I are not divorced like he told you, but we are separated...even though there's no such thing as legal separation in Florida.)

Did you know that a few short days before talking to you, he was trying to get another single mom to commit to him? Telling her that he loved her from the first time he saw her, and promising to take care of her kids? He was even willing to move out of state with her. Did he tell you that the reason I kicked him out was because of his alcoholism, infidelity, and abuse? And that he left the kids and me for another woman back in the Spring? No, I'm betting that he told you I'm some crazy stalker wife, who also cheated on him (see, that was his story to me about his first wife).  Does he tell you that he has not called our kids at all since he left? And that he spent their SSDI money on bars, escorts, and cigarettes? Did he tell you that he hasn't paid child support to his first wife in months? 

There will come a day when he does get blackout drunk, and probably punch holes in the wall. One day he will scream at you irrationally, maybe even shove you over a couch or hold a tomahawk to your throat while he says "I could kill you if I really wanted to." Perhaps he will even drive drunk again, and get his third DUI; or proposition your friend for sex. Maybe your daughter will do something that irritates him and he will scream at her. When he does any of those things my advice to you is get out. I should've gotten out years ago, and once I asked myself "Would I want a guy to treat my daughter the same way? Would I want my son to treat a girl this way?", the answer became clear. 

I'm sure you'll hear stories about me, likely all false, and that's fine. One day you'll track me down to ask questions, the same way I did with his first wife; and I will answer your questions, and let you know that I've been there, I recovered, and that my life ended up remarkably better without him in it. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hashtag Real Life, Part Deux

I do not want to reconcile with he-who-must-not-be-named, but knowing that he has already moved on and is telling women that he is not married really irritates me.

I feel much resentment towards him, but I am trying my best to let it go.

As much as I know that I need a full time job, my focus right now is picking up the pieces, and doing what I can for my kids to make this time easier on them. 

Tomorrow I turn in my application for TANF and food that I never thought I would need, but for which I am praying that I am approved. 

I wonder every night if I missed my chance at a happily married life (with someone else). 

Now that I am starting to process everything that has happened over the past few years, I realize how abusive he was and I have multiple anxiety attacks daily. 

My kids saved me. If not for them, I might not ever have gotten the guts to get out of my abusive marriage. 

I will never get involved with a narcissist again. I know the red flags, I will NOT let it happen again. 

I have a running list of "want" and "will not tolerate" for anyone I date in the future. I have promised myself to not give any passes on those. 

If my dogs don't like a guy, I will not date him. 

No guy will meet my kids until we've dated at least 4 months. 

Parenting is hard. Being a 100% single parent is hard. Divorcing your abusive partner while parenting your kids 100% of the time, trying to keep the household afloat, and trying to pick up the emotional pieces...well, I am being stretched to my limit. 

Domestic abuse is alienating, and humiliating. 

As my advocate reminded me, my hardships are temporary. I am in a transition time that is so fracking hard right now, but it is temporary. I am building a new, healthy life for my kids, my furkids (and fish), and myself...THAT will be lasting. This hard shit is temporary.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hashtag Real Life

I have so much to say, but my brain and body are tired, so here are random points that sum up my life right now.

  • Even when divorce is the best option, it still sucks. 
  • I feel like I am juggling a million balls, and am thankful that the vast majority of my friends and family understand.
  • Three out of my five dogs will NOT let me touch their nails with clippers or a Dremmel like file. UGH.
  • Speaking of juggling things, I have no idea how I will balance my son's increased OT appts, the needs of both of the kids when it comes to their academic struggles, counseling appts (for the kids and me), legal appts related to the divorce, the needs of my pets, housework, and my needs. 
  • CrossFit is something that I refuse to give up. I love it, and I love my friends there. 
  • Thursday I am applying for TANF (what some people call welfare) and food stamps. 
  • As much as I theoretically would like to find Mr. Right, the thought of ever trusting someone like that again makes me feel nauseous. 
  • Not being resentful toward He Who Must Not Be Named is a struggle everyday. Every single day. Thank God I start counseling soon. 
  • Speaking of counseling, I am so thankful for the free counseling that the kids and I will be getting through a local agency.
  • Daylight savings is awesome for my sleep pattern. 
  • My family is amazing. 
  • Faking it all is exhausting. Telling people I'm fine is exhausting. I'm not fine a lot of the time. I am angry, sad, relieved, anxious, hopeful, and exhausted at some point everyday.
  • I no longer know what I want to do with my life professionally; literally, I change my mind everyday. My kids need so much from me right now, I just don't know how to work and be a good full time single mom. 
  • At the end of the day, I get into bed with my kids & dogs, exhausted (sometimes tearful) but thankful that I have a roof over my head, wonderful children, amazing parents, crazy supportive brothers, and great friends. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Meatless Mondays Forever

I am an animal lover, but have always eaten animals and animal products. For some reason I convinced myself that it was okay to do it, and that those food animals didn't really count. I now realize that I was completely wrong, so I am on a journey to change my life and the lives of others. My kids and I are on a journey to pesco-veganism. Yes, we will still mostly likely eat fish but we will not consume any other living thing, dairy, or things with animal products. I am still working on eggs because the kids LOVE eggs; I really want to build a coop so that we can raise our own chickens, and have fresh humane eggs. There are a lot of changes involved in going from eating animals to not eating any animal products.

Before I talk about they why, I want to talk about the how. Some people can make these changes overnight, but not us. We have started with giving up mammals and most dairy (still working on cheese and ice cream). Next, we will give up birds, which shouldn't be too hard considering the only bird we are eating right now is turkey bacon. After we give up birds, I will hopefully be well versed enough on products and recipes, that I can easily meal plan pesco-vegan and vegan meals. For me the biggest challenge will be reading labels to ensure that the packaged foods do not contain any animal products.

Now, the why. In short, I realize now how cruel the farming industry is to animals, including dairy cows and egg hens. Dairy calves are ripped from their mothers within hours of birth, and then either raised for the same fate as their mothers, or briefly raised to become veal. Cows are amazing creatures, and the pain that we humans cause them is inexcusable. We don't need their milk at all. We don't need to eat them. They are loving creatures, who even enjoy snuggling.

You like bacon and think that you can't live without it? Research the pork industry, and pigs. The vast majority are confined to small pins where they can't even move around. Pigs are smarter than dogs, and they like a good scratch and snuggle too. They are actually clean as well, and make great pets. 

Speaking of smart, chickens are smart too! And contrary to what you might think, they are actually affectionate and show empathy. Do you know what happens to baby male chicks? They are destroyed in mass, and not in any humane way; they are typically thrown into meat grinders WHILE STILL ALIVE or put in trash bags to suffocate. The cruel torturous death of countless baby chicks, that's the cost of eggs. 

There are many other cruel practices that happen in the food industry, these above are just a few examples. Honestly when you start researching it, it becomes clear that what we as humans are doing to these animals is just morally wrong. Don't care about animals? Then care about the detrimental effects of meat eating on the environment.

Want to give some vegan meals a try? Check out this BuzzFeed article with vegan meal ideas! Wondering how to get the nutrients that you need from a plant based diet? Check out the graphic below for some tips. Going vegan has really never been easier!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Rough Patch

*On the random chance that anyone reads this but doesn't follow me on Twitter or FB, my husband and I split. I am 100% on my own with our kids and pets since he moved across the country.

First of all, I want to say upfront that this is not a post to bash MLM (multi-level marketing) companies, direct sales/marketing businesses, etc. I know friends who make great money with these companies, and they are awesome people. When I have money again, I promise to buy products from some of you because really, I love some of the stuff that you sell! I miss buying Jamberry wraps. I want a 31 bag for the gym. I definitely want to try some of the Younique make up because holy shit, I think it might actually cover my acne and acne scars that I am so self conscious about.

I've made no secret that finances are not good for me right now. Ex has moved across the country, and the only money that for sure is coming in, for him, is Military retirement which is not much; as of right now VA Disability and SSDI have not been approved yet. I am not gainfully employed yet, though I am applying to jobs literally everyday the only job I've found has been a very part time position that pays minimum wage. If it weren't for my family, I literally don't know how I'd pay bills.

Well meaning friends have messaged, texted, contacted me with talks about the MLM companies that they work for, and while I appreciate it, MLM companies are not for me. It's not that I am against them at all, but there are valid reasons that I am interested in them.

First of all, I suck at selling and recruiting. I have tried MLM before and failed because really, I'm no good at it...and that is fine with me.

Another reason, is the money; there is always a buy in of some sort (again, which is fine and understandable) for items, websites, etc. but I honestly don't have the money to buy into anything right now. When ex cancelled cable on me earlier this week, I found out that it would be $105 to get it back on and into my name. For me, that basically became a choice between buying food for my kids, pets and me, or getting internet (which my kids need for school and I need for job hunting) again. If it weren't for my family, we wouldn't have the internet back on right now. So friends, when I say that I don't the money to "spend money to make money", I am really not exaggerating.

Time....time with my kids and pets is very precious to me now. When I am home with them, I want to be home with them. If they are sick, I want to be able to cuddle them and relax with them, without having to simultaneously be online because of a party that I'm hosting. I am the only real parent my kids have now. I don't have anyone to co-parent with me, or to help out by taking the kids to their sports practices and games when I am exhausted or sick. I don't have anyone who can run home and let the dogs out, so that I can go straight to the gym after my (currently hypothetical) job.

How can you help? Send me leads on jobs in my area, or online jobs with set hours, set pay, and benefits. Help me figure out a way to make money so that I can get my CrossFit Level 1 certification and my personal training certification. Use my website Becca's Bargains when you shop online, and share the website with your friends and family. There's no extra stuff to buy, just shop on Amazon, WalMart, etc as you normally do, just click through my page's shortcuts to get there.

My pets, kids, and I will be okay-that much I know. Right now is just a rough patch, but that's all it's not forever.

Friday, August 28, 2015

They Don't Care

From the suicide note of Daniel Somers

I've wanted to write a post about combat related PTSD and TBI for a while, but honestly I burst into tears when I start putting my thoughts together about what to say. Then I thought maybe I'd research and use stats, and science, etc. but that stuff is so impersonal and I feel like people don't connect with straight information; so instead I will tell our story and how it affects the entire family. 

When P and I met in 2006, he was a relaxed, fun loving guy full of smiles. Maybe he was different at work (he was in training), but with me it was all fun. We went to fireworks shows, restaurants, bars, and just lived a fun life. He would travel to Tuscaloosa and see me, and I would travel to Georgia to see him. When he moved to Savannah, I visited there as well and we decided that I would relocate there while he was on his first deployment. It was a short deployment, but he saw action (he was Airborne infantry, so he was always in the thick of things, and never on a FOB but rather on a COP at best). He returned almost the same, though there were some small differences; gone were the nights of watching fireworks on River Street because he coldn't handle the noise. Restaurant trips changed too; now where we sat mattered because he needed (not wanted) to be able to see the main exit at all times. Bar hopping was hit or miss, depending on his overall mood he would either turn into a brooding, dark drinker, or the over the top "life of the party" drinker. He never would forget where I parked, though, no matter how many beers he'd had that night (there is a reason for me highlighting that fact). He did another short deployment while I was there, but it was a secret one that I only found out about recently when I was pouring over his military records. 

Fast forward to 2010, and we moved to Colorado on military orders. Within 3 months of our move, he was deployed to Afghanistan for a year....a fucking year. I was across the country from my family and friends, in a new job, and in the middle of infertility treatments while simultaneously working on gaining custody of our now children. My new work friends were awesome, and we worked on the Army post so I was surrounded but folks who got it...they understood that I needed my phone on me at all times, and understood if I burst into tears for no apparent reason. My clients were soldiers who were leaving the Army and they would give encouraging words and the obligatory "he'll be okay". Then August 30, 2010 happened. 

There was a communication blackout but P managed to borrow a cell phone from one of the Afghani soldiers so that he could call me. Physically he was fine, but there had been mass KIAs that day, 9 to be exact; and P had been there to see 2 of them. They were on a patrol, and his best friend as well as his Lieutenant were killed in front of them. He witnessed 2 of his friends blown to pieces, with some of their blood and body landing on him. P and others in the platoon did all that they could, and carried them to a helicopter but there was nothing to be done.  In P's mind, he should've died too. He didn't tell me all of those details until much later, but he called me that day to let me know that he was okay so that I wouldn't see something online or on the news and be worried that it was him. Later that week, or maybe it was the next week, I attended the memorial service for all 9 soldiers on post at one of the chapels. It was much like the ones portrayed on fiction TV shows, but so much worse because you know that it's real and as a wife, all I could think of was "thank God it wasn't my husband" which then made me feel guilty for even thinking that way. I cried, a lot, but I went back to work that day and put on a good face. 

June 2011, P came home from Afghanistan to a wife and 2 kids which would be a huge adjustment for anyone but for someone with PTSD and TBI (both which he did not yet know he had) was almost more than he could handle. He received no real emotional, psychiatric, or physical care upon his return. Returning from deployment is a huge deal, and there is a homecoming ceremony, but the military (or at least the Army) really does not care about truly caring for them once they return. They are expendable; there are others that they can send to take their place if they are killed or injured to the point of not being deployable again. They need a certain number of boots in theater, and they honest to God don't care how they get it. I have personally seen soldiers who were deemed "non-deployable" because of mental issues all of a sudden be deemed "deployable" because a unit needed to meet a certain number.

From June 2011 to now, we have been through hell and are working our way back. I knew that he was different, and he knew that he was different, but we didn't know how to deal with it. We also had no idea how serious it was until about a month ago when he got a hold of his medical records during his medical retirement process. Now although we understand it to a degree, we are dealing with a new normal and a new future. 

P is 31, he has PTSD, TBI which in turn have resulted in insomnia, nightmares, daily headaches, depression, and brain lesions. He also has other symptoms of PTSD-anxiety, paranoia, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, etc. He has degenerative arthritis in his back, hips, and knees. He has 2 other spinal issues (I can't recall the name right now), as well as bunions and other problems with is feet. He has lost feeling in some of his extremities. 

He is only 31 years old. 

He is being medically retired, and the VA is recommending 100% disability. Per his TBI and PTSD testing results it is likely that he will not be able to hold a job due to the paranoia, headaches, flashbacks, anxiety and neurocognitive issues resulting from PTSD and TBI. 

He is only 31 years old. 

He has trouble remembering where we park the car if we go to the store. He has nightmares, even though he takes medication for it. He can't run any more. He still has to see all the exits in a restaurant when we go out to eat. He cannot tolerate crowds, and has only gone to one fireworks show in 8 years. He is no longer the carefree, happy go lucky man that I met 9 years ago in Georgia. He is in physical pain every single day. He can no longer watch military related movies or documentaries. His one attempt at going to church with the kids and me, on Xmas Eve to see the kids perform, resulted in his worst panic attack ever. He doesn't really know how to relate to civilians any more, because they "have no idea what it's like".  He thinks about his friend, the one he saw blown up, everyday. 

He is only 31 years old.

I've had to change the way I communicate with him. I realize now that he processes things differently than he used to, and I've had to adjust to that. It isn't that he ignores the fact that the house needs cleaning, it's truly that he doesn't notice (he doesn't get a pass on throwing his clothes on the floor, though). He wasn't always gas lighting me in the past, he truly does not remember things well and sometimes doesn't remember them at all. I've had to teach him how to interact with the kids. He doesn't feel true happiness as much, and his smile is different. He's applied for SSDI. 

He is only 31 years old. 

I am applying to become his caregiver through the VA because I cannot go back to work. The pay will be tax exempt, and it will help us make up the difference between what he makes now and what he will get paid during retirement. The truth is, he needs help from me every single day; and that's okay, I'm not complaining. I make sure that he takes his meds, eats somewhat healthy, makes the calls that he needs to make, and help him stay occupied so that he doesn't spiral into a dark hole of depression. We take walks almost daily, just the 2 of us while the kids are in school, so that we can talk and reconnect. Next week I am making (yes, making him, lol) start a stretching program to hopefully help with pain. I am researching getting one of our dogs trained as a service dog so that perhaps he will feel more comfortable in public, so that maybe we can go out more and to new places without him having so much anxiety.

He is only 31 years old.

The government does not care; there is not enough money or resources to care for the troops coming home who need help. In general, the people of this country do not care; they are quick to say that we as a country need to go to war, rather than exhaust every diplomatic solution. And they damn sure won't sign up themselves, or tell their spouse to sign up, or take their kids to a recruiter to sign up. No, no-that they won't do. They will cry for war from the comfort of their homes, watching news reports, and praying to keep the troops safe but they don't have to experience it IN their homes. There are not enough mental health or physical health services for our Veterans. For some of them, the VA is the only place that they can receive affordable health care, but many times they live hours away from a VA Center or hospital. We are fortunate that we will still have TriCare so he can receive services at the local Air Force bases, the VA Center and Hospital, or private doctors. The fact that there are homeless Veterans, and Veterans who die by suicide every day because of lack of care is disgraceful and unforgivable. 

This is only a small portion of our story, our whole story in living with his PTSD and TBI could fill a book. And we are far from the only ones living this life. So please, share this and share any other military PTSD related experiences. Read Daniel Somers's suicide letter. Watch Restrepo to get a real idea of what our troops experience at war. Volunteer in your community to help Veterans or to even visit Veteran retirement homes (yes, those exist). Take action, don't just pray for them. Do something to help, we are begging you. 22 a day, that's the number of Veterans who die by suicide. Think about that the next time that you think that war is the answer. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

A New Outlook

Today I realized how much P and I learned while we were separated, and how our separation might have actually been what we needed. We are communicating better with each other, which was a MAJOR issue with us before, and we are both making efforts to show gratitude towards each other. Really, we are both making an effort in our relationship which is something that we have not done in a long time. Marriage really is work, not in the bad sense, but work nonetheless; and I know that some people feel that if marriage is work then perhaps you're married to the wrong person but I completely disagree, especially in Military marriages involving PTSD.

I am still grieving the loss of the man I married, and he is grieving the loss of the man who used to be, but we are finding out that it's not all bad. With him getting medically retired and me becoming his caregiver, we will have more time with each other, and with the kids. We will also have time to finally pursue hobbies-cars for him, photography for me. He will be able to grow a beard and stop getting up stupid early, which means that he will be able to help me with the kids and the pets every morning. I will be able to volunteer at the kids' school and go on field trips with them, and P will no miss out on the kids' school activities or sports due to work. We will have time to exercise and get healthy again. If we can find an affordable, reliable house/pet sitter, we might even finally be able to travel to Costa Rica to visit family.

How did I come to decision to change my attitude and be more positive? really, I mean it. I have started working out again (I have 20 damn pounds to lose) and it is clearing my head. I've been doing yoga, pilates, and taking walks outside while listening to the Nerdist podcast (sometimes I laugh out loud and get some looks but whatever), and it all just clicked. That dark cloud parted and I was able to see all the good possibilities in the future. Now, we just need to make them happen.